Road To Longer Eyelashes

Make your eyelash grow longer

Using fake lashes to make your lashes look more lively is not new these days. But, don't you know that there are ways to make your eyelash grow without even faking it? You may basically try using lengthening mascaras, eyelash extensions, and lash lifts, you may be wondering how to grow to grow your lashes in a natural way.

Before knowing the process of how you will get that extra-long lashes, know some basics first about your lashes. Our lashes growth cycle consists of three phases: catagen, telogen, and anagen. Most of the time, our lashes spent their time chillin' and just falling out, and not growing actually. It can take three months to grow naturally. Of course, sometimes we're too excited to let our lashes grow even just for a short period of time, well, there is a way to do that.


DIY Lash Growth Serum – GSX Camellia Oil



Eyelash grower?

You may have seen some products that you can use to make your eyelashes grow. There are a lot of serum products that are FDA approved that can help you with your eyelashes, it's just that, sometimes there's a need for a prescription, so better visit your derm or doctor to get it.

Here's Arishine eyelash serum for you. Its advanced formula helps to strengthen, magnifies, and lengthens your lashes, you can use this to your eyebrows too. With just 6 weeks of daily use, you can already see an increase to your natural lashes. This is gentle and is safe for all skin types. It is just easy to apply. Use it daily to make your eyelashes more strong and healthy.




Is it safe to use lash serums?

Well, yes and maybe no. As I've said, using serum sometimes needs a prescription before using it. Your doctor needs to make sure that it won't interfere with your other medications or have a negative side effect  on your eyes.

Have you heard of eye color changing from using an eyelash serum? There's a possibility that it may happen if you are using a formula with growth ingredients. Getting that serum product inside your eye, you may notice 

And you know all those rumors about a change in the eye color because you are repeatedly exposed to it.

It can also cause discoloration of your skin and/or irritation and puffiness of your lid if it flows into your eye. Side effects are normal, but there are still people who can use these lash serum without any issues. But just be mindful of the product you are using, it is better to consult it to your doctor and read the ingredients list as well.



Will it work if I'll use lash conditioners or DIY serums?

One of the safer alternatives for you if you will use a non-prescription lash-growth serum is an eyelash conditioner. It may help in strengthening your lashes, prevent from breaking, or make them lightly swell so they will look thicker. But, this actually doesn't cause your eyelash to grow. You'll just see more shine and strength but not that growth as serum products do.

Things to avoid while waiting for eyelash growth.

There are things that you shouldn't do if you are making your eyelashes grow. Avoid doing things that can somehow damage your lashes, these include using false lashes, eyelash curlers, and not washing your face.

Yep, you should avoid using falsies as it may cause the lashes to break or even fall out. Using an eyelash curler is also a no no because it can damage your lashes by causing breakage and mechanical trauma. Not removing your makeup is also not good, it might develop inflammation around your lashes called blepharitis, if you leave it untreated, it can cause lash loss.



Most possible way to grow eyelashes.

No longer using false eyelashes? Then go easy on using the lash curler, always remove your makeup every night, make your current lashes stronger with a conditioning serum, have yourself a growth serum prescription, then, it will be possible to make your lashes grow longer. Just be consistent and patient if you are going to do this because it will take months to work, so the outcome will be up to you. See when it works and if it's worth it.


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